Thursday, August 16, 2012

Are Gut Feelings Really in the Gut? Understanding Your Gut Feelings and What They Are Telling You


This morning, I read a blog in which the question posed was "Are Gut Feelings Really in the Gut?". This was not the first time I have seen this question come up because the source of gut feelings is a bit confusing to people. Once we become aware of our gut feelings and begin to exercise our use of this powerful intelligence, our energy seems to release from the hara upward and in communication with the rest of our body and thinking brain. The feeling from our gut then releases energy in other parts of our body as the heart and it is difficult to tell where the energy and feeling, the intuition that arises, comes from. We can, of course, become more aware of our gut feelings and trace our insights and intuitive thinking to the original gut response in the hara or belly area. As a person begins to focus on gut feelings of emptiness and fullness (once again, not to be mistaken with a need for food intake, but often confused and the cause of over eating), it becomes clearer and clearer that the gut feelings are our own response to the impact of life upon us and are connected to all of Nature.

The chart below is an attempt to help give a picture of this process of gut reflection on feelings and what your feelings are telling you about your life. It is rather an over simplification of our gut feeling experience, but much more is available in our book "What's Behind Your Belly Button?" There are, of course, other scenarios beyond the three we have diagrammed, but these are the three we have seen most often in counseling. The forth that is unfortunately experienced by most of us at one most difficult time or another in our lives, but not included here, is a feeling of nearly 100% both the lack of acceptance and lack of control in our lives. I suppose in that case, the teeter-totter would be pictured upside down.

This chart is available also on our website as a free black and white downloadable PDF for educational purposes.

The chart above is taken from material in our latest book Increasing Intuitional Intelligence and is also discussed in What's Behind Your belly Button?

Click on a book cover below to go to Amazon to Buy:

"Increasing Intuitional Intelligence" is available on Amazon USA and Amazon UK
as well as Amazon,de and  other international Amazon sites

"What's Behind Your Belly Button?" is also available on Amazon USA and Amazon UK

as well as Amazon,de and and Amazon.CA and other international Amazon sites

and it is on The Book Depository with free international shipping.

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